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BEHOLD SA in direct co-operation with its mother company BEHOLD NL, was requested to conduct a research for the Naga Foundation on the dairy-meat industry in Kenya. The research is to establish whether or not it would be a viable possibility to build a hydrological corridor and form trenches for water preservation whilst creating income generating activities within the coastal region of Kenya. This was based on the fact that Kenya, like many African countries, has a struggling economy due to unemployment and poverty and their GDP is primarily boosted by the agricultural sector. The report looked into the general information regarding Kenya including its political and economic history. It also looked into the policy and legal frameworks that govern the environment as well as the effects of climate change in the region where the project would be implemented. There was specific research conducted on the dairy-meat sectors and how they operate both economically and technologically because these are the key factors that are important to assess how the project would be incorporated into the current systems. Finally we conducted a SWOT analysis as to determine the strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that exist in the agricultural sector and country as a whole. We expect that the research will lead to a better understanding of the aspects involved in such a project and be the starting point to an operational plan that will see the project take place.

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